Charity Rejoiceth not in Iniquity, but Rejoiceth in the Truth
When we look at this through a faith-based lense, we understand God is “a God of truth and without iniquity” (Deut 32:4). When iniquity is the source of our rejoicing then truth withers and vice versa, when truth is the source of our rejoicing then iniquity will lose power and strength within us.
In order for us to determine which one we rejoice in, we will need to examine our actions.
Here are some questions for you to think about and answer:
How do I allow myself to witness or participate in iniquity through movies, books, and music?
How do I think about others? Am I critical of them?
Do I gossip about others and their sins and shortcomings?
Do I focus on faults?
Do I keep the Sabbath Day holy?
Do I murmur?
Do I think of everyone as a child of God?
Do I treat them as a child of God?
Do I read, study, ponder, and pray about Jesus Christ in the scriptures that I may become more like Him?
Do I attend church?
Do I look for ways to serve others?
A good thing to think about is that we can only change ourselves. We can choose good movies, books, and movies to watch, read, and listen to. We can change the way we think about others by seeing their potential and the good in them and remembering we are all on the same journey to learn how to return to our Heavenly Father. We can use the spirit of affirmations with others and ourselves. We can look at the good others do. We can look at how we spend our Sabbath day. We can strive to see others through the lense of our Savior, Jesus Christ. One of the biggest things that helps with this attribute of charity is to learn of Jesus Christ. For He is the Truth and the Light of this world. When we learn more about Him, we then are enabled and empowered to become more like Him and can truly rejoice in His truth as we develop similar attributes and virtues that He has.
Some ways to Rejoice in Truth are:
Expressing Gratitude
Reading scriptures
Celebrate successes, even little ones
Serve others
Get involved in a charity
Good wholesome music
Spending time with family and friends
How then can we apply this to our marriage? Here is a truth: our circle of control is ourselves. Our circle of no control is with others. We may have influence on them, but we are not in control of them. Here I have a diagram that shows where we can exercise change and control. We need to focus on making changes within ourselves. It may be that others will see our change and decide to follow suit. Either way, when we decide to make changes in ourselves in our marriage for the better, then it will have an effect on our marriage.